Services to the Senior Adult Community 1990
June 1, 1990
Torah For Children 1990
June 1, 1990

Shabbos as a Standard of Kashrus 1990

Jun 1, 1990 — Shabbos as a Standard of Kashrus

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled

Reaffirms its long standing policy that the granting of Kashruth supervision be considered only for restaurants, bakeries and hotels that will not be in violation of any aspect of Halacha regarding Shabbat and/or Yom Tov;

Deplores those restaurants, bakeries and hotels that purport to observe Kashruth but are in violation of the Halachot of Shabbat and/or Yom Tov;

Applauds those Kashruth supervising agencies that refuse to grant supervision to such restaurants, bakeries and hotels;

Calls upon those Kashruth supervising agencies that have comprised these standards of Shemirat Shabbat V’Yom Tov to use their good offices to bring all of their restaurants, bakeries and hotels into compliance with these standards.

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