RCA Supports Torah-based Environmental Movement
May 1, 2007
RCA Urges Action on Plight of Gush Katif Refugees
May 1, 2007

RCA Opposes New Jordanian Minaret on Temple Mount

May 1, 2007 – The Rabbinical Council of America opposes the construction, by the King of Jordan, of a new minaret on the Temple Mount. Har HaBayit has been the historic center of Jewish life in the Holy Land since ancient times, and according to Jewish Law, the area still retains its original sanctity. The political message of this move is taking another step in surrendering Jewish sovereignty over historically central areas of the Land of Israel. No changes should be made in the Temple Mount area that may offend Jewish religious sensitivities or diminish our historic rights to the soil upon which stood the First and Second Temples.


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