The Rabbinical Council of America extends its condolences to the families and community of the victims of the recent shooting at Fort Hood. We pray for the speedy recovery of the sixtee who were injured. We express our gratitude to them, as well as all men and women, who put themselves in harm’s way on a regular basis in order to defend the United States of America. We express our appreciation to their families for the sacrifices they make and the support they give.
While there is much that we do not yet know yet know about the details surrounding this latest shooting, this shooting highlights the responsibility of the US government and of individual communities to provide the necessary support—financial, medical, and therapeutic— for those who serve, or have served, in our armed forces as well as to their families.
Rabbi Leonard Matanky, president of the Rabbinical Council of America, said, “We must all provide support to both active military and veterans. They who make so many sacrifices on our behalf of our nation deserve nothing less. The RCA recommits itself to supporting our rabbis who serve as military chaplains providing vital spiritual and emotional support to America’s fighting men and women of all faiths in our nation’s armed forces.”