March 4, 2019 כ״ז אדרא’ תשע”ט
The Rabbinical Council of America condemns the recent personal attacks against US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt by the official Palestinian Authority daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadidaa. To claim that Mr. Greenblatt, and “all the components of the American administration” suffer from Downs Syndrome is not only despicable, but points once again to the base nature of anti-Semitism, trying to belittle others through stereotypes and bigotry.
Rabbi Elazar Muskin, President of the Rabbinical Council of America, said, “We reject the disrespect towards members of the Trump administration and the insult of those with special needs by the use of their status as denigrating political rhetoric and insult. The ignorant and painful abuse of those with special needs has no place in civilized society. Regardless of one’s political positions, Jason Greenblatt and the administration deserve better.”