The Rabbinical Council of America issues a Statement Condemning the Wanton Destruction of Synagogues and other Jewish Holy Sites in Gaza
Sep 13, 2005
The Rabbinical Council of America expresses its profound anguish
over the destruction of Gaza synagogues by mobs unrestrained by
Palestinian authorities.
The pain engendered by these acts is exacerbated by their larger
implications. Israel has behaved with exemplary sensitivity toward the
holy places of both Christianity and Islam, to the point where Muslim
officials have been granted effective control over the Temple Mount,
which is Judaism’s most sacred site. Now, when Israel has voluntarily
relinquished control over Gaza and subjected its society to the trauma
of evacuation, it asked the Palestinian Authority to treat a few
buildings with minimal respect. Instead, the terrible acts that we
have witnessed in the aftermath of the withdrawal demonstrate both
visceral hatred of Israel in Palestinian society and the failure of
leaders who are purportedly interested in peace to make even perfunctory
efforts to enforce elementary standards of decency.
According to Rabbi Dale Polakoff, President of the Rabbinical Council of
America, “it is essential that the lessons of these events not be lost
on the international community. Once again, we have been reminded of
the grim reality that Israel confronts. A society facing implacable
hatred cannot justly be pressured to take unilateral steps that place
the security of its citizens at grave risk. Further moves toward
rapprochement depend on concrete, meaningful action on the part of the
Palestinian leadership to disarm and de-legitimate terrorists and to
teach their people in both classrooms and the mass media that a Jewish
Israel is a permanent reality with which Palestinians should strive to
reach a permanent, genuine peace.”