Integrity of the Morah De’ Asrah 1997
June 1, 1997
Integrity of the Morah De’ Asrah 1997
June 1, 1997

Preservation of the Family 1997

Jun 1, 1997 — Preservation of the Family

The Rabbinical Council of America, in convention assembled, speaks in the most forceful terms against actions, activities and legal decisions that serve to undermine the basic unit of society –the family. Everything, from the potential acceptance of same gender marriages by the Hawaiian Supreme Court. To the new technologies of donor eggs, raise the possibility of further undermining the already shaky nuclear family structure in this country. It is well documented that breakdown of the family goes hand-ill-hand with other societal ills as crime and poverty. We call on all involved in such activities to consider the critical nature of preserving the family and its integrity as we enter the 21st century.


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