On the Death of Pope John Paul II
Apr 12, 2005
On the Death of Pope John Paul II
A Statement by the Rabbinical Council of America
April 12th 2005
Pope John Paul II’s multifaceted legacy of both policy and personality
has led to a remarkable outpouring of sympathy and grief around the
world. The Jewish people have particular reason to remember him with
affection and admiration. Through symbolic gestures and concrete
decisions, John Paul II provided substance and momentum to the historic
declaration on the Jews issued by the Second Vatican Council forty years
ago. He prayed for divine forgiveness for Christian sins against the
Jewish people, spoke of the need for repentance, presided over a Church
that no longer sponsors missionary activity directed at Jews, and
established diplomatic relations with the State of Israel.
As Orthodox rabbis, we are also appreciative of his firm commitment to
values that stand near the core of both our faiths. While we do not
always embrace the precise contours of the Catholic position on
contentious ethical or political questions, we find ourselves in broad
agreement on the need to defend traditional morality in a world cast
adrift from its moorings. We have lost a friend of the Jewish people, a
beacon of moral principle, and exemplar of deep humanity. He will be
profoundly missed.