Healthcare 1998
June 1, 1998
Poverty 1998
June 1, 1998

Outreach 1998


WHEREAS, every Jewish soul is precious to our community and we are held responsible by our Torah for the physical and spiritual welfare of every Jew; and
WHEREAS, despite the qualitative and quantitative growth in Torah learning and mitzvah observance in our day, demographic studies and personal observations have shown that ever increasing numbers of Jews continue to abandon Jewish observance, marry non-Jews and ignore their Jewish heritage; and
WHEREAS, Jewish education and quality Jewish experiences are the keys to interesting Jews in their Judaism and maintaining meaningful Jewish continuity;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Rabbinical Council of America calls upon its members and their communities to increase the formal and informal Jewish educational opportunities in their synagogues, schools and centers and that creative, attractive and substantive programming be offered to both members and non-members of the communities that will inspire them to greater and more meaningful participation in Jewish life.
AND WHEREAS studies have shown that quality Day School education is a leading factor in cultivating serious commitment to Jewish life on the part of adults,
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that communities rededicate their efforts to improve the quality of existing schools, organize new schools where needed, and provide sufficient funding to schools and students so that financial concerns do not
prevent any Jewish child from receiving a Day School education. We call upon Jewish Federations to increase their support of Day School education and to refrain from politicizing and denominationalizing allocations to education.


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