October 20, 2021


At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held by conference call, on Wed., October 20, 2021, President Binyamin Blau in the chair, and Reuven Tradburks acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:

President’s Report. Binyamin Blau reported on an initiative of the RCA and optimism in being able to provide a health care plan for members. A service for members is being considered in coordination with the GPS Batei Din in producing a video series of Introduction to Judaism both for Jews and also for an introduction for those considering conversion. Critical Friends Groups have been done on an ad hoc basis which is becoming more robust together with the OU. A Kiddush Shem Shamayim Campaign is an effort to bring positive learning and programs through materials from the RCA in a way to provide something positive and not only reactive from the RCA. A special edition of HaDarom in tribute to Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, z”l, is being prepared to be published around his 1st yartzheit. Regional gatherings of the RCA can be opportunities for members to get together for Dinner or a shiur.

Michoel Zylberman gave an update on the GPS Conversion Batei Din, in particular, highlighting the role of the Sponsoring Rabbi and the Sponsoring Rabbi Handbook.

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