At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held by conference call, on Wed., May 20, 2020, President Daniel Korobkin in the chair, and Reuven Tradburks acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:
President’s Report.
Daniel Korobkin reported on the efforts in response to COVID-19 directed by Rabbi Dratch that have been an enormous service to our members, including the halachic guidance provided by Rav Schachter and Rav Willig. This has been a time of true leadership for the RCA in respecting halacha and pikuach nefesh and brought respect and appreciation to the RCA. The cooperation with the OU has been exemplary including the joint protocols for the opening of our shuls and institutions. The UnConvention was well received and attended and the ability to connect from around the world. There is a lawsuit in Israel against the Rabbanut for disclosure of all communications with the RCA concerning personal status letters. In another wonderful collaboration, a joint program of the RCA/Mizrachi/OU/YU for Yom Yerushalayim has been developed.
Motion to accept the following new members passed unanimously: Joshua Brick, Adam Friedman, Yosef Goldin, Isaiah Katz, Baruch Miller, Shalom Mimran, Yitzchak Peres, Yitzchak Sprung, Samuel Zema and Noson Waitman for Associate Membership.
Executive Vice President Report.
Mark Dratch reported that the budget is running at a small surplus due to a loan of $60,000 due to COVID-19 from the US Government, which most likely will be forgiven. This offsets the loss of fundraising that was budgeted to occur at a Dinner at the Convention which did not happen due to the cancellation of the Convention.