RCA Statement on Status of Convert in Israel
June 24, 2016
RCA Mourns the Death of Elie Wiesel
July 3, 2016

June 27, 2016

The following chaverim were in attendance or on the conference call: Shalom Baum, Gedalyah Berger, Yisrael Ciner, Daniel Cohen, Michael Davies, Zvi Engel, Efrem Goldberg, Zev Goldberg, Shmuel Goldin, Avrohom Gordimer, Yonah Gross, Jerold Isenberg, Barry Kornblau, Daniel Korobkin, Doniel Kramer, Ira Kronenberg, Aaron Liebtag, Chaim Marder, Leonard Matanky, Elazar Muskin, Ariel Rackovsky, Benjamin Samson, Yerachmiel Seplowitz, Yechiel Shaffer, Shmuel Silber, Adam Starr, Chaim Strauchler, Eliyahu Teitz, Brahm Weinberg, Mark Weiner, Elie Weinstock, Shlomo Weissmann, Michael Whitman, David Wilensky, Howard Wolk, Howard Zack, Eliezer Zwickler, and Michoel Zylberman.

At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held in person at Hilton Woodcliff Lake (NJ) and by conference call, on Monday, June 27, 2016, President Shalom Baum in the chair, and Barry Kornblau acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:

  • A motion to approve minutes of the meetings of May 2 and May 3, 2016 was approved.
  • A motion to approve the membership applications of Yisrael Becker, Tuvia Brander, and Binyamin Lehrfield was approved.


  • Shalom Baum
    • Gave a davar Torah.
    • Thanked outgoing Executive Committee members (Hanan Balk, Yisroel Ciner, Daniel Cohen, Joel Finkelstein, Dov Fischer, Avrohom Gordimer, Jonathan Gross, Yonah Gross, Wesley Kalmar, Ariel Konstantyn, Yechiel Morris, Ari Perl, Brahm Weinberg, and Howard Wolk) for their service to the RCA.
    • Provided follow-up information about shiur by R. Asher Weiss.
    • Reported on Yom Yerushalayim 2017.
    • Extended condolences to Mark Dratch on the passing of his father.
  • Michoel Zylberman presented a brief update regarding GPS
  • Shlomo Weissmann gave an update about Beth Din of America activities.

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