RCA Supports Netanyahu’s Foreign Policy Posture
June 17, 2009
Response to Statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Covenant, Mission, and Dialogue
July 9, 2009

June 24, 2009

The following chaverim were in attendence or on the conference call: Hanan Balk, Donald Bixon, Moshe Bomzer, Aaron Borow, Dov Fischer, Arie Folger, Barry Freundel, Daniel Friedman, Barry Gelman, Shmuel Goldin, Simcha Green, Shmuel Hain, Basil Herring, Shlomo Hochberg, Benjamin Kelsen, Yaakov Kermaier, Moshe Kletenik, Doniel Kramer, Elly Krimsky, Yosie Levine, Akiva Males, Elihu Marcus, Bini Maryles, Asher Meir, Yehuda Oppenheimer, Ari Perl, Steven Pruzansky, Myron Rakowitz, Nisson Shulman, Zev Schostak, Yaakov Wasser, Shlomo Weissmann, Michael Whitman, Michoel Zylberman.


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