The Rabbinical Council of America Condemns Gaza Flotilla Provocations that Led to Violence and Loss of Life
June 2, 2010
RCA Statement Regarding The Rotem Knesset Legislation Pertaining to Conversions
July 19, 2010

June 16, 2010

The following chaverim were in attendence or on the conference call: Elie Abadie, Daniel Alter, Yaakov Bieler, Heshie Billet, Aaron Borow, Daniel Cohen, Ira Ebbin, Zvi Engel, Joel Finkelstein, Daniel Friedman, Arie Folger, Shmuel Goldin, Simchah Green, Jonathan Gross, Basil Herring, Shlomo Hochberg, Shmuel Jablon, Maury Kelman, Benjamin Kelsen, Moshe Kletenik, Samuel Klibanoff, Barry Kornblau, Doniel Kramer, Akiva Males, Asher Meir, Jonathan Morgenstern, Ari Perl, Yerachmiel Seplowitz , Yehuda Septimus, Moshe Shulman, Shmuel Silber, Ze’ev Smason, Chaim Strauchler, Ari Sytner, Elie Weinstock, Richard Weiss, Shlomo Weissmann , Michael Whitman, Daniel Yolkut, Howard Zack, Eliezer Zwickler, Michoel Zylberman. 

The following minutes were approved at the September, 2010 meeting of the Executive Committee:

At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America, held at the RCA’s office, Wednesday, June 16, 2010, the president in the chair, and Barry Kornblau acting on behalf of the secretary, the following items were decided:

1. Motion to accept minutes of previous Executive Committee meeting (April, 2010); passed unanimously.

2. Discussion and decision to hold 2010 convention on May 15-17, 2010, including Sunday sessions for mechanchim. Also will consider an additional one-day conference for mechanchim in mid-winter.

3. Motion to form new committee to condemn and combat child abuse; passed unanimously.

4. Motion to form new committee to create guidelines for rabbinic discretionary accounts; passed unanimously.

5. Motion to accept the applications of new members [Reuven Brand, Yosi Eisen, Yaakov Glasser, Reuven Handler, Eric Kotkin, Hillel Maizels, Jacob Menaker, Yitzchak Melber, and Zev Wolbe]; passed unanimously.


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