Human Dignity and Labor 1987
June 1, 1987
Jews in Arab Lands 1987
June 1, 1987

Jewish Education 1987

Jun 1, 1987 — 1987

AFFIRMING that the future of meaningful Jewish life is dependent upon a strong Jewish educational system,

The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,

CALLS UPON all American Jews to support their local Yeshivot, Day Schools as well as the major Torah Institutions of learning in this country,

CALLS UPON the leaders of the Jewish Community to make Jewish education a desirable profession for the most talented of our Jewish youth who are emerging from Yeshivot, and Teacher Training programs and are being compelled to enter other professions because of low salaries for teachers, by raising salaries of and upgrading the prestige of mechanchim on a par with other professionals;

CALLS UPON the Federal and State Governments to diligently seek means that are Constitutional to enable students of Private and Parochial Schools to benefit from the services of government now available only to those who attend public schools;

URGES MEMBERS of the Jewish Community to be more militant in the area of government funding at all levels of education, to the end that students attending religious schools receive equal treatment under law with those attending public schools.

CALLS UPON THE LEADERS OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY to provide a Jewish Education for ALL Jewish children and to develop programs for the learning disabled and developmentally disabled, such as PTACH, in order to bring about this goal.

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