Interreligious Relations 1981
June 1, 1981
Kashrut 1981
June 1, 1981

Jewish Education 1981

Jun 1, 1981 — The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,

AWARE OF the deep and unrelenting financial crisis that has overtaken many great educational institutions of this land;

CONCERNED for the future of Jewish educational institutions as the surest guarantee of the future of the Jewish community;

CALLS UPON all American Jews to support unstintingly their local yeshivot and Jewish religious schools, as well as the major institutions of higher Jewish study in this country;

CALLS UPON national and State governments to explore, legislate and implement a policy of tuition grants and/or tax credits as forms of assistance to parents of students attending religious elementary and secondary schools, thereby to afford the citizens of this land opportunity to educate their children in a pluralistic tradition, and to benefit from the services of government which are now available only to those who attend municipally run schools;

ASKS the Jewish community and the administrators of yeshivot, metivtot, and kollelim to be judiciously concerned about public expenditure, and to avoid duplication of fundraising efforts and building programs in those areas where quality Jewish education would be better served by consolidation.


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