American Recognition of Jerusalem (1999)
June 1, 1999
Israelis Missing in Action (1999)
June 1, 1999

Israel and The United States (1999)

RCA pledges to work for continued vigorous American support for the State of Israel

Jun 1, 1999 — Israel and the United States

American Jews are profoundly thankful for the historic support that the United States has provided Israel during the past four decades. Israel has, despite tile trauma of five wars and constant siege, remained a staunch democracy. There have only been fIfteen democratic national elections in the entire history of the Middle East, and all have been held in Israel since 1948.

We therefore resolve that:

The RCA pledges to work for continued vigorous American support for the State of Israel. The RCA in partnership with the institute for Public Affairs of the Orthodox Union is mandated to intensify efforts to from pro-Israel coalitions with Jewish and non-Jewish groups when membership in such coalitions is deemed appropriate.

We call for the security assurances for Israel as contained in the Wye letters.
Considering the special American-Israel relationship, we continue to call for the expression of difference in private so as to avoid public misrepresentations and misinterpretations.

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