Human Law and Dignity 1999
June 1, 1999
Israeli Religious Integrity and the North American Jewish Community 1999
June 1, 1999

International Religious Persecution 1999

Jun 1, 1999 — International Religious Persecution

In recent years, the scourge of persecution based on religion has become more widespread. Around the globe, many people of many faiths fmd themselves subjected to deplorable forms of persecution, including torture and imprisonment. Tllese activities must be confronted and stopped. WitIl an eye toward this humanitarian goal, the RCA joined with a wide array of communities to secure the passage in the last Congress of legislation designed to combat international religious persecution.

We therefore resolve that:

That the RCA shall continue to speak out against religious persecution around the globe.

That the RCA shall work to ensure the full implementation of the International Religious Freedom Act by the United Stated government.

The RCA shall join in additional public and private efforts to effectively combat religious persecution.

The RCA urges the United Nations and the International Committee for the Red Cross to give their fullest support to this as a humanitarian issue and as a measure that would promote true peace in the Middle East.


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