RCA re-issues the Halachic Living Will
March 13, 2019
Israel In the Media (1991)
March 14, 2019

Fetus Sex Selection

Rabbinical Council of America Issues Halakhic Perspective on Guidelines of Fetus Sex Selection

Sep 14, 1998 — Rabbi Moshe D. Tendler, Ph.D, Chairman of the Bio-Ethics Commission of the Rabbinical Council of America issued the following statement:

Sex selection of a fetus is in itself without ethical import. The Talmud, the repository of Biblical law and practice, offers advice on sex selection, as does “folk-medicine” of most societies. However, the term is now value-laden because of the use of infanticide in some societies and of legally sanctioned first-trimester abortions in the U.S.A. for sex selection.

The mechanical and chemical manipulation during sperm sorting may introduce a risk of fetal abnormalities. Such risk is ethically unacceptable. However, if the intent is to avoid conceiving a fetus with a sex-linked genetic disease, sperm sorting with the attending risk is preferable to aborting the affected fetus. Orthodox Jews may have a special interest in sex selection. The Biblical imperative “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28) is interpreted to mean one child of either sex.

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