Jun 1, 1987 — Arkaut AKU”M
WHEREAS, the Rabbinical Council of America recognizes the problem of ARKAUT AKU”M, that is, when members of the Jewish Community abandon Halachic solutions to civil disputes between Jewish litigants and turn to secular courts instead of having such disputes mediated by DINEI TORAH, such as is available through the BETH DIN OF AMERICA of the RCA,
We find it particularly disturbing when religious institutions or organizations refuse to have financial disputes heard by a BETH DIN.
The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,
CALLS UPON ALL JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS to turn to the BETH DIN OF AMERICA or any other mutually acceptable BETH DIN to settle civil cases that cannot be resolved through negotiations between the parties and abstain from turning to the secular courts.
WE ALSO MUST REFER to the Vaad Hakavod of the RCA any RCA member who, whether it is on his own personal behalf or on behalf of an organization, refuses to appear before the BETH DIN or advises others to refuse to come to a DIN TORAH.