2010 Convention Resolution: Post-High School Torah Study in Israel
April 27, 2010
2010 Convention Resolution: Women’s Communal Roles in Orthodox Jewish Life
April 27, 2010

2010 Convention Resolution: Preserving Jewish Religious Sites in the Land of Israel

Whereas, Hebron’s Me’arat HaMachpela (“Tomb of the Patriarchs”) and Bethlehem’s Kever Rachel (“Rachel’s Tomb”) have deep religious and historical significance for the Jewish people of Israel and throughout the world; and,

Whereas, the Israeli government recently included the Ma’arat HaMachpela (“Tomb of the Patriarchs”) and Kever Rachel (“Rachel’s Tomb”) in the “Heritage Plan”, a comprehensive program to preserve heritage sites of historical and religious importance across Israel; and,

Whereas, Palestinian factions and others have protested this move, some denying any Jewish connection to these and other sites of Jewish pilgrimage and prayer;

Therefore, the Rabbinical Council of America resolves:

• To reaffirm the religious and historical connections that Jews have with these and many other biblical and Jewish historical sites in the land of Israel,

• To express its support for the Israeli government’s actions which protect the physical integrity and safety of these and other sites of religious significance,

• To call upon the RCA, its members and their communities to express this support to the Israeli government, to the governments of the countries in which they live, and through letters and editorials in the news media.


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