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RCA Calls for Support and Visits to Israel in Response to UN Resolution

The Rabbinical Council of America, the leading organization of orthodox rabbis in North America, denounces the most recent United Nations Security Council Resolution which defines as illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The RCA further condemns the tragic failure of the United States to veto the resolution.

Rabbi Shalom Baum, president of the RCA, stated, “I appeal to all lovers and supporters of Israel to show their support for all of the residents of Israel, including those who live in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem, by buying products produced and sold there. We cannot allow this shameful resolution to strengthen the BDS movement. I also urge the members of our community to visit Jerusalem as we prepare to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the reunification of our ancient and eternal capital this year. We express gratitude to those members of the Democrat and Republican parties who continue to stand with Israel as Israel has again been attacked in the United Nations. During this holiday of Chanukah, we must rededicate ourselves to standing with the only democracy in the Middle East and against any attempts to undermine its sovereignty or safety.”

The RCA echoes the critique of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who said, “At a time when the Security Council does nothing to stop the slaughter of half a million people in Syria, it disgracefully gangs up on the one true democracy in the Middle East, Israel, and calls the Western Wall ‘occupied territory.'”

The RCA reiterated its long-standing appreciation of the decades-long friendship and bipartisan economic and military support that the United States has provided to Israel, a relationship that has strongly and significantly benefitted both countries. It regrets the change of policy that the United States’ abstention during this vote represents. As we have in the past, we strongly urge the out-going Obama administration to refrain from further actions that may prejudice and undermine future negotiations between the Israel and the Palestinians.


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