Support For Israel (1987)
June 1, 1987
Arkaut AKUM 1987
June 1, 1987

Israeli Yeshivot (1987)

RCA Applauds Hesder and Bnei Akiva Yeshivot’s Refusal to Sign Political Loyalty Oath Imposed by Jewish Agency

Jun 1, 1987 — The Rabbinical Council of America in convention assembled,

AFFIRMS THE POSITIVE ROLE played by all Yeshivot and Torah Institutions in enhancing the spiritual life in the State of Israel and its security.

The Rabbinical council of America notes with dismay and historical apprehension the attempt on the part of the Jewish Agency to impose a political loyalty oath upon religious institutions as a prerequisite to receiving funding.

We applaud the actions of the Hesder and Bnei Akiva Yeshivot who have expressed solidarity with others in the Yeshiva Community in their refusal to sign the loyalty oath in affirmation of the Jewish principle, YISRAEL, ORAITA VEKUDSHA BERICH HU, CHAD HU.

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